6 Apps you need in your life for 2017 success

The latest shakedown on the apps to make 2017 pop!

Well folks that’s it, January has all but passed, was it as successful as you hoped? Did you get everything done? Was it financially successful? I honestly hope so!

As we march forward to February, you may want to consider looking at some tools which help you stay on point, automate some of your workloads, and ensure you don’t skip a beat.

So here goes:

No.1 Wave Apps –
A super simple bookkeeping, accounting and invoice processing software all wrapped up nicely into a beautiful piece of kit. Create invoices on the fly, collect payments via credit card and stay on top of your P&L.

No.2 Zoho Social –
I flick around from social media management suites constantly, mainly because I am looking for the perfect tool, and although Zoho Social isn’t the perfect tool, it’s the best on the market that I have found so far. Schedule, monitor and engage with your social networks, bulk upload and pull reports, super simple, and comes ready for your smartphone with an app.

No.3 Groove –
A simple help desk software where you can delight your online customers with excellent, personal support. Perfect for anyone who works directly with their customer, this works brilliantly for my Digital Marketing business ‘Rinse & repeat’ formerly Hundredth Monkey as it allows us to have open tickets with all our clients.

No. 4 G-Suite –
Yup, Google is the future. G Suite is all you need to do your best work, together in one package that works seamlessly from your computer, phone or tablet. Business email, storage, docs, collaboration, communicate, everything you need to run your business.

And lastly two of my favourites that I have been using for a while! Firstly up:

No. 5 Hubspot CRM –
I recommend Hubspot CRM to all my clients; it’s an incredible platform for anyone looking at a centralised hub to store date, contacts, info and keeps a look at what’s happening in their business. Once you delve deeper into what Hubspot offers, you will never need to look at another CRM ever again. I’m a big fan!

No.6 Autopilot –
Last and by no means least, Autopilot. Probably one of the longest-standing pieces of software I use, and my business runs on autopilot because of it. Mass emails wouldn’t be the same with it; my free downloadable content wouldn’t work without it. It’s just a remarkable piece of kit and one that any business of any size of age should consider.

So there we go 6 wonderful and powerful apps that you can use going into February to ensure 2017 continues to be a massively successful year. If you need a hand with your journey, feel a little lost, or just need to revitalise your sales process, then book a FREE 30 minute Success Call today >> CLICK HERE <<

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