8 Apps you need in your Business and Life

We live in a world where tech is booming, you only need to take a look at the world rich list, and a huge proportion of the wealthiest people in the word belong to the tech sector.

But is tech becoming more of a distraction or a better way to manage ourselves and our day.

Take a look at social networking for example, you could argue that this absorbs huge amounts of our daily activities, and I would 100% agree. However, if used correctly social media can be a huge benefit to your business.

Heres the reason most people find social media doesn’t work for them.


They go online and make loads of noise, and swamp people with ‘Buy From Me’ updates, and never actually engage in the social aspect.  Then after 6 months of pushing sales messages, they walk away from social media saying it doesn’t work.

My best advice, get a strategy! You can get a copy of my Social Media Playbook, which has generated me thousands of pounds of revenue over the years (And I mean thousands of pounds). I will put this on offer for the next 7 days at a ridiculously reduced price – GET IT HERE .

Now besides the social media route, let me show you 8 apps that I couldn’t live without.

1. Base CRM
You really need to stay on top of your contacts, and nothing I have ever used is as good as Base, it tracks your emails, your tasks, calendar, pipeline, calls, texts, sales the list goes on.. I would seriously be lost with out Base. Base was originally built as an app, and later developed in to a desktop version, so expect good things from your smartphone.

2. AutoPilot
Autopilot automates your email campaigns for you, think of Mailchimp but using the same amount of steroids Ivan Drago (Dolph Lundgren) used in Rocky V. The process behind Autopilot is built around Journeys, and is filled with triggers, if someone does this, its sends that. If a form is filled in on your website, it adds them to a journey and starts sending them emails, helping to pull them through your sales funnel. Its the best! *(Desktop App only)

3. Xero
Im traditionally a sales person, so like most sales people I hate admin, or paperwork! Especially account stuff. Xero makes this process painless, you can create invoices on the fly, and even schedule future and repeating invoices. It integrates with Base, and you can also grant access to your accountant too. It also can be hooked up to your bank to pull real time feeds. I love it!

4. SproutSocial
As we mentioned above, if used correctly social media can have a huge impact on your business. So to ensure you don’t spend all of your time looking at keywords, tweets and news updates. Social tools can help you stay on top of this, Sprout Social is the best tool I have ever used and the reporting is out of this world. Its a bit pricey compared to some, but you will make the money back if used correctly. You should definitely use my Social Playbook if using this tool.

5. Tawk.to
Tawk.to is a free plugin for your website that gives you a live chat feature, the smartphone app means you have access to your potential audience at anytime of the day. You have some great customisation opportunities too, so can style it suit your website and even add your picture (or support agent picture).

6. Dropbox/Google Drive
I talk a lot of reading, which still surprises me as it wasn’t something I really enjoyed not so long ago. But my drive and dropbox folders are filled with ebooks and audiobooks. This way I utilise very spare minute I have, because one thing I know for certain is my phone is never out of my sight. (Thanks to dropbox and Google Drive, nether is my mentors).

7. Seven
Fitness is so important if you want to run a peak performance, and you need to be in peak performance when you’re playing at these levels. So the gym may not always be a viable option, with ‘Seven’ you literally get an insanity style work out that lasts 7 minutes, and theres lots of workouts to choose from. If you want more than 7 minutes, just repeat the workout. I like do 21 minutes (Some mornings).

8. Calm
Mindfulness and meditation is finally starting to break through to the masses, and let me tell you, its a wonderful thing to indulge in. I spend 10 minutes every day, thanks to this great app ‘Calm’. Its filled with lots of meditation routines, and honestly its one of the best things I have ever introduced in to my life.

So there you have it, my top 8 apps that I honestly couldn’t live without, and all this for less than £100 per month. If used correctly, the income potential that you could generate from using these same apps is endless. Enjoy exploring these apps, don’t forget to grab my Social Playbook while its on offer. And if you need any help, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me on my website or by Clicking Here

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