Feel, Felt, Found – Objection Handling Ideas

Feel, Felt, Found – Objection Handling Ideas

Feel, Felt, Found, an incredible sales technique used to handle objections with ease, and one that many use unknowingly. But let us break down the barriers to this terrific objection handling method and throw in some Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP).

What is Objection Handling?

Objection handling is the process of responding to objections, concerns, and questions raised by prospects, clients, partners, and stakeholders about your offer.

An objection handling process should also include reasoning, prioritisation and emotions. A good way for this is to ask questions such as what reasons they might feel different about buying this product/service? What are some reasons why they would choose against it? And how would those changes affect them?

What is Feel, Felt, Found is, and how does it work?

What is Feel, Felt, Found, and how does it work?

First up it goes like this:

1. State ‘I understand how you feel’. This is intended to let the potential customer know you have heard them, and you can empathise.

2. Inform them about somebody else who ‘Felt’ the same way. This lets the customer that they’re not alone, others felt this way, and things can be different.

3. Proceed to inform them how that person ‘Found’ that after they did what you wanted/purchased your product, they got what they wanted.

An example would be: I understand that you ‘Feel’ budget isn’t available right now, to be honest lots of customers ‘Felt’  this way initially, but what they ‘Found’  is 47% savings compared to previous statements… etc.

Build the feel, felt, found method into your sales presentations and objection handling process, and you will see an immediate spike in your sales.

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Now to hack this method with NLP.

Using the same scenario as above, you could say.

Some other customers ‘Feel’ budget is often the issue when making an important buying decision.

I know a lot of my customers initially ‘Felt’ that way until they decided to make a commitment and no matter what remove any obstacles present.

As a result, they ‘Found’ although the budget was initially an obstacle, it was a commitment to follow through that made all the difference and reduced costs by 47%… etc.

In this scenario, you aren’t saying you understand how they feel; instead, you’re distancing yourself and not allowing the customer to question your sincerity to their issue. Also, by using some ‘other customers,’ this will enable them to identify themselves with the others who feel this way. This almost validates the way they feel and reinforces that they’re not the only one who feels this way.

‘I know a lot of my customers initially ‘Felt’ that way until they decided to make a commitment and no matter what remove any obstacles present’. What this sentence offers is clarity that the customer needs to be committed and that it’s not a magical formula that will fix everything. Any obstacles present may still be present, but they are committed to working through them no matter what.

Why does this objection handling method work?

This also rules out the customers doubt that all issues will be fixed by purchasing your product; they understand that it takes commitment to see the results. This makes it more believable and realistic for them.

‘As a result, they ‘Found’ although the budget was initially an obstacle, it was a commitment to follow through that made all the difference and reduced costs by 47%… etc.’

Again this outlines that the product isn’t a magical purchase, but reassures them that when committed, the results are great and the savings can be achieved. This helps the customer understand that it’s up to them to commit before they see the result.

Using a big claim

Using a big claim in the found process also helps the customer shape an image of the success they desire when they take onboard your product or offer.

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