How to Make a Perfect LinkedIn Profile in 2022

LinkedIn is a social network for professionals. It allows users to create a profile, which includes an overview of their career history as well as information about their education and skills. Users can then connect to other LinkedIn members and share photos, videos, and posts with other members in the news feed.

General Tips For Your Profile

Use LinkedIn to convey a message and establish a brand.

It would be best to consider your brand while creating your LinkedIn profile. What do you want to be known for, and who are you? What distinguishes you from your industry’s competitors? You may use your LinkedIn profile to represent your brand once you’ve established it.

Know your target audience and what will pique their interest

Consider who will be reading your profile while you write it: other professionals and recruiters in your field, most likely. What will such visitors want to see in particular?

Complete Your Profile

LinkedIn’s algorithm rewards users with complete profiles. You’re far more likely to appear in search results with a thorough profile. People in your industry and hiring managers will look at your profile whether you apply for their jobs or market. A basic profile does not make a good first impression.

Have a cover photo that matches your style.

Your cover photo will be placed in the blank banner above your profile image. It’s the first thing people see when they visit your page, so you want to make an excellent first impression. At the very least, you should select a neutral image that signifies something to you, such as a landscape view of your favourite location or a logo that represents your company. 

However, you may use a photo of yourself doing your job or personalise a banner with text. You can include the URL to your website, a few important qualities, the services you provide, or perhaps a noteworthy quotation. 

Below are my personal LinkedIn profile picture and banner so you can use them as an example:

Linkedin profile picture

Linkedin banner

Linkedin Profile Checklist

Below is a short checklist so that you don’t forget anything:

  1. Write a summary
  2. Fill in the blanks with all of your relevant professional and educational experiences
  3. Create a profile picture
  4. Create a banner
  5. Add relevant skills
  6. Request recommendations from your connections
  7. Lastly, determine the strength of your profile, use your profile strength metre
  8. Make your headline stand out

How to Describe Yourself on Your LinkedIn Profile

More and more people are visiting the site for different reasons, and it is often their first stop when looking for a job. We all know how difficult it can be to describe oneself in a few words, but it is even more challenging with Linkedin. You want to make sure that your profile is as updated as possible and cover all of your skills, but how do you list them?

It’s essential to start with your most recent job and then progress with each one. It can be unclear for employers if you don’t follow this order. After listing your skills on LinkedIn, you should also include achievements that show off what you’re capable of doing. Now make sure this does not sound like you are a robot. People like it when you show your personality and are different from everyone else but still keep it professional.

Why Build a Good LinkedIn Profile?

A LinkedIn profile is a representation of a professional self. It’s not just for networking but also for showing off your skills, qualifications and work that you have done.

To build a good LinkedIn profile, it’s essential to know what makes a good LinkedIn profile in the first place. For example, think of what you would do if you were designing the profile for someone else. You would need to know what information they would be comfortable sharing with others.

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