Is Email Marketing Still Important In 2021

The first email marketing campaign went out in 1978 and has led to millions of sales and made email marketing one of the most popular marketing channels to date.

Is email marketing is still important in 2021? YES! Even more so, with the pandemic and quarantine, customers now have time to stay at home and check their mail.

To grow your business, email marketing should be an integral part of your process. If you’re wondering why keep reading.

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Why Email Marketing Is Effective 

Email marketing is a strategy that involves sending emails to prospects and customers. This will help you to develop meaningful relationships with them. 

Below are some reasons why email marketing is important in 2021:

#1. It Is A Preferred Communication Channel

As of 2017, professionals stated that email marketing gave them excellent results. It is even called the best marketing channel despite competition from social media. 

This may be because people use emails more than other platforms. Reports have shown that 85% of internet users in the US are frequent email users. 

If your email marketing strategy is effective, it can convert prospects to customers. Also, it can turn your first-time buyers into loyal customers. 

So, building a good email marketing campaign is necessary for the growth of your business. 

#2. It Is Accessible 

With email marketing, you can reach all demographics and age groups. Even the least tech-savvy people know how to access their mails.

So, your business comes in contact with a wide range of audiences. It will save you the stress of having to convince prospects in person.

This strategy is easy to process. You can automate and handle it from the comfort of your home.

#3. It Is Affordable 

One benefit of email marketing is how cost-effective it is. That is why, over the years, it is still the preferred marketing channel. 

With email marketing, you don’t have to print anything or pay for postage. This means you get to save money for your business and still make a profit. 

Different email marketing tools come with affordable pricing packages. So, you can choose one that fits your budget. 

#4. It Builds A Connection With Customers 

This is the fastest way to build trust with potential and returning customers. This is because it is a personalized marketing channel. 

Reports have shown that these personalized emails have an 18% open rate. On the flip side, non-personalized mails have a 13.1% open rate. 

Email marketing guides customers to connect and engage with your brand. It exposes them to the value you bring and the problems you can solve for them.


Email marketing helps you to target your customers and prospects by email. This will, in turn, boost conversion and revenue. 

If you want your business to grow, jump on this wave. From the figures we provided in the article, it’s clear that email marketing has come to stay. 

Enjoyed this article? Read more marketing posts here.

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