Journaling, The Answer To Bad Sales Days.

Journaling, The Answer To Bad Sales Days.

Rejections, Rejections, Covid-19, No-Budget, More Rejections, and Lockdown!

Every day you get knockbacks, rejections and see lots of negativity, online, offline, even family and friends display negativity, it’s easy to see how this can affect our attitude and efforts.

As a salesperson, the last thing you need is an attitude that’s crushed, you’ve been there many times before, and you know the outcomes that follow. 

While it seems no one is impervious to this widespread negativity, there is a solution, a way to keep safe and to stop the negativity gremlins from stealing your sales sunshine.


Yup, journaling, writing stuff down.

  • Your feelings
  • Your thoughts, and
  • Your day-to-day experiences…

Start each day armed with pen and paper, a notebook or legal pad, and begin documenting all the good that happens throughout your day. We’re a big fan of dotted grid journals like this one from Amazon

For example, if you pull up to a red-traffic light which immediately flips to green, then document that as a good thing.

If you get to the office and someone offers to make you a coffee (obviously coffee, coffee is for closers, right?), document this as a good thing.

If you’re working remotely and your VPN (Virtual Private Network) gives you access the first time, document this as a good thing.

Try to channel your focus on only the good things that occur throughout your day. Make no space for negative small talk, if you find yourself in negative chatter, politely excuse yourself.

Continue your day using this same strategy, and then at the end of the day, review your notes, look through all the good that has happened during your day, and relive the positive moments. 

Practising this positive journaling technique is guaranteed to change your outlook, and encourage you to find the best in each day. 

The final part of this exercise is to ask yourself, has this day really been any different from other days? It probably hasn’t, but you feel better because you chose to focus on the positive experiences instead of the negative ones.

As Tony Robbins famously said, ‘energy flows where attention goes’. 

Be sure you focus on the things that make you feel good and every day will be a great sales day.

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