Objections, How To Deal With The Five Core Objection Types

Objections, How To Deal With The 5 Core Types

Firstly understand this, objections are generally questions that have not yet been answered, so in this post, we will break down the objections you face into five types.

This first type is:

1. The Smokescreen –

This is a disguise for the real issue at play, and it could be that you haven’t answered their questions, questions that they may not be aware of having. 

Or that they don’t want to discuss this with you, your job is to isolate the smokescreen objections and discover the real concern.

2. Concerns – 

Concerns could be that your product or service doesn’t provide what they need, or it may be that they’re genuinely concerned over time. 

Either way, these emotional hurdles need to be addressed.

Using case studies and stories of others that went through the same situation give reassurance here. Also, be sure to check that this isn’t another smokescreen.

3. True Objections – 

Real valid objections do exist, and your job is to get to the bottom of them. It could be that it’s the end of their financial year and timing is terrible, it could be that they have new staff who need training and they can’t look at anything new right now.

A great way to deal with this type of rejection is with a reframe, and show them why the objection is the right time. 

4. Conditions – 

These represent real conditions that need to be met or solved to move forward.

This could be that the budget has already been allocated or spent, now if that’s the case, you can’t solve that problem, but you help them to get creative with payment terms or plans. 

Or, if the buyer needs certain conditions to be met, maybe you don’t provide these conditions, so you need to find a way to solve this problem, build it, find it etc.

5. Complaints – 

Most objections you face will just be a complaint, and these objection types don’t need to be dealt with, you acknowledge them, agree and continue with your script and or presentation. 

No money, no time, too expensive, these are typical complaints that you can agree with.

For example, I’ don’t have the budget right now,‘ – Say, ‘I know that feeling, let’s get started then’.

Or, ‘I don’t have the time right now’, – Say, ‘I understand, let’s make this snappy, sign here and here’.

Handling objections effectively is just about being prepared, knowing what to say and learning to understand what is really being said.

Enjoyed this article? Read more about sales here 

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