Returning To The Workplace After COVID-19: How Sales Teams Should Prepare

Returning To The Workplace After COVID-19: How Sales Teams Should Prepare

Returning to the workplace is an aftermath of the pandemic that troubles businesses. This is because of the strategies that have to be in place to make it work.

Remote working was the method used in keeping staff safe while the pandemic raged. Now, will things return to normal? Will people find it difficult to adjust? What does the future hold for sales teams? 

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Here’s how to prepare for the transition:

Returning To The Workplace 

As teams move to resume operations, certain measures must be in place. Some of them are:

#1. Put Safety First 

Protecting employees and team members must take centre stage. This is because no operations can proceed without them. 

Create protocols for sanitization and cleaning. The workstation will also need adjustments and follow through with social-distancing requirements. 

Demand team members to put on personal protective equipment. This includes face masks and gloves. You can leverage technology to track team members that may have faced exposure. 

#2. Determine Who To Bring Onsite

Not everyone needs to return at once. Transitioning from remote work may involve a slow and steady process. 

The sales team requires face-to-face interaction to deliver. So, ensure to bring them back first as soon as it is safe to do so. 

You can also integrate virtual sessions that will not need team members to be at work every day. This will reduce the level of contact and keep the team safe. 

#3. Check The Readiness of The Team

Know that not every member of the sales team has an interest in returning to the workplace. Inquire into what is making them reluctant. 

It could be due to many reasons. They may worry about their safety or if team members will take the necessary precaution. Or, they may have people living with them who are at risk and will not want to expose them. 

So, determine if these persons can return or continue remote working. Tackle each employee’s issues on a personal basis and find a middle ground. 

#4. Communicate The Plan 

Once there is a definite plan that protects everyone, send the word out. At this stage, make a real effort to engage the team. 

Sending out a staff email won’t cut it, as it comes off as cold. Instead, take time to explain what the plan means. 

Also, show the team members how it will apply to each of their works. Make it clear that the rules of engagement are not negotiable. 

This will beef up their confidence, knowing their safety is of utmost importance. Keep communication channels open to respond to questions as they arise. 

What This Means For The Sales Team

When and how teams return to work will affect the general business and work culture. So, it is important to make the transition an easy one for the team to adapt to. 

Treat this piece as a guide to help with returning to the workplace. We detailed some steps that will help the sales team navigate the grey areas. 

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