What’s the ONE Belief That’s Secretly Keeping You Broke?

What’s the ONE Belief That’s Secretly Keeping You Broke?

Spoiler: It’s not just about your paycheck, your job, or even your spending habits.

It’s the stories you tell yourself about money—and most of them are complete trash.

Let me guess—you’ve caught yourself thinking,

“Why does money feel so hard to figure out?”

The truth is, most of us are walking around with stories about money that don’t serve us.

But here’s the good news…

You can rewrite those stories and flip your financial reality.

Let’s dive into how.

1️⃣ Call Out the Crap You’ve Been Telling Yourself
Here’s a tough love moment: You can’t change what you don’t see.
Spend five minutes writing down the junk that pops into your head about money.

Things like:

“I’ll never have enough.”
“Money is only for the lucky ones.”
“I’m not the kind of person who gets rich.”

Naming these thoughts isn’t fun, but it’s the first step to kicking them out of your brain.

2️⃣ Rewrite the Script
Think of this as editing a bad movie.
Every negative money belief you have?
Flip it into something that works for you.

“I’ll never have enough” → “I’m learning how to create more than enough.”
“Money is only for the lucky ones” → “I make my own luck by showing up and creating value.”

Pro tip: Write these down. Repeat them.

Make them your new go-to responses every time old beliefs creep in.

3️⃣ Make Your New Beliefs Stick
Here’s where most people drop the ball—they don’t follow through.
You’ve got to hammer these new thoughts into your brain like your financial future depends on it (because, well, it kind of does).

Say them every morning.
Write them on sticky notes and slap them on your mirror.
Chant them in the car (yes, even if people stare).


Because your subconscious believes what you tell it—if you say it often enough.

You can’t change your bank balance until you change the way you think about money. And it starts with swapping out old beliefs for ones that actually work for you.

What’s one money lie you’re letting go of today?

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